Strength Circuit
Strength Circuit
Service Description
Strength Circuit Tuesday 10.30am Bergh Apton Village Hall, South Norfolk Wednesday 12.30pm MovES Studio, Brooke South Norfolk What can I expect: This class will ask you to push, pull, twist, lunge, squat and smile! Bring your handweights and join the fun! Levels will be provided so gains can be made by all....advancing yourself is the aim! What will I feel like after: energised and amazed at what your body can do! Who is it for? All levels and abilities welcome. Cost: £10 for a single class, £42.50 for a six class pass and £37.50 for a pick and mix class pass ( 3x 30 min and 3 x 45 min classes)
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Booking and Cancellation Policy. As class sizes are small and therefore limited, THE MVEMENT STUDIO strongly recommend you book online as soon as possible to reserve your place. If you have purchased a pass and you have booked a class and can’t make it, please log in to change or cancel your booking. If you have booked for an individual class, please email to reschedule. For both passes and individual sessions, please note, if you are absent or cancel within six hours of the class start time you will be charged for the class. Returns & Refunds. All purchases and direct debit transactions are non-exchangeable, non-refundable or non-transferable. Unfortunately we are not able to refund any client for unused passes. General Terms. Although upmost care and time is taken to ensure the schedule remains as is published, THE MVEMENT STUDIO reserves the right to cancel and change teachers, events, classes, workshops without prior notice. All communication will take place via email in the first instance and phone only as and when necessary.
Contact Details
Park Farm, High Green, Brooke, Norwich, UK
Bergh Apton Village Hall, Cooke's Road, Bergh Apton, Norwich, UK